**Please note, Client App is replacing iliv.fit.
1. Enabling the Kiosk feature to allow client check in's
Go to your profile
Click the Settings tab
Click Kiosk Setup
Next you will enable your Kiosk by clicking the box that says "Enable your kiosk"
Once clicked a kiosk link, unique to your location, is generated.
Create a six digit code containing alphanumeric characters with at least one uppercase. This will be the pin used to sign in to your kiosk.
Click the save settings button
Once saved you may begin using the kiosk to allow your clients to check in for their sessions when they arrive to the studio. Simply copy and paste your kiosk link to a tablet or computer and sign in using the pin code you created.
This will populate a list of the upcoming classes for the day. Attendees will click on the class they are enrolled in, find their profile and click on their profile to confirm their attendance.
2. Session Schedule
A. Set up your class schedule:
Select Session Attendance from the left side menu.
Click on Session Schedule
Double click on the date and time you would like to add a session to bring up the Session Scheduling window.
Fill out the necessary info needed for each session:
Give the class a Title
Enter the Start and End time for the session.
If you would like for the session to repeat you may customize which days it repeats and for how long.
Add a class description to help your clients understand what to expected in the session.
Add the class capacity. This is the maximum number of people you will allow to book for this session.
In addition, you can determine how many people you wish to allow to be waitlisted. The waitlist allows clients to be on a list in case their desired session time is full. When waitlisted, if a participant who is enrolled in the session cancels, the first waitlisted client will be moved into the session. The waitlist order is determined by who joined the waitlist first and will move clients in the order they were waitlisted. Clients will be notified via email if they are moved from the waiting queue into the class.
Choose the Staff Member that is teaching the session. Staff members must have been added to Fit Pro Tracker to appear in the Staff dropdown.
Add a booking policy to the session. This will just advise clients of your policies around late cancelations. In addition, it sets parameters around the maximum lead time a client can book, the minimum lead time for a client to book and the timeframe in which a client is allowed to cancel without a penalty. You may add booking policies by clicking Session Attendance and selecting Booking Policies. You may have multiple booking polices for the various types of sessions you may offer. For additional information on booking policies see the help article here.
Choose whether to add session rules. If the session rules toggle is turned off, all of your active memberships will allow clients to book this session. If you turn session rules on you may select which membership you wish to allow to book this session. The session rules apply to limited sessions that are using session credits. For additional information on Session Credits and Rules, please see the help article by clicking here.
Once completed, click save.
B. Deleting your class schedule:
When you want to delete a session, simply hover your cursor on the session you wish to delete until an "X" appears. Click the X.
A box will pop up giving you the option to delete that one single session or the entire series.
You may also double click on the session and click the button to choose whether to edit the current occurrence or the series. From there the edit window will populate and you may click the delete button in the bottom left-hand corner of the window.
C. Editing your Sessions
You may also edit sessions. Simply double-click on the session. A popup box will show giving you the option to edit one single session or the entire series.
Edit any of the fields as needed for the single session or the entire series in the Session Scheduling window. Be sure to click Save once the edits are complete.
3. Your members will need to download and register on the Client App to book classes. More information on inviting members to the Client App can be found by clicking here.
4. Client Check In Management
The Check In feature allows you to view class attendance and make modifications, if needed. For example, if a client forgot to check themselves in for a session the staff member could go into check in and confirm the attendance.
To access the Check In feature:
Click Session Attendance on the left side menu.
Click Check Ins
From this view you can see a list of all of the sessions for today.
You may also select another date to view by choosing the date from the calendar.
Click on the session to view the details. For future sessions you will see who is booked for the session and any clients who have joined the waitlist. For past sessions you will see all the clients who were booked, and those who confirmed attendance.
You may add a client to the session you are viewing by searching for the contact you wish to add under New Booking.
By hovering over the attendee you will bring up options to Confirm/Unconfirm, remove the client from the scheduled session, go to the client profile, or sell the client a retail item on the Point of Sale system.
5. View Classes in Contact Profile
To view a contacts attendance you will need to go to the contacts profile and click on "Session Attendance".
You will be able to track the contacts Lifetime sessions, Avg. Per Month, Avg. Per Week.
Below the statistics you are able to filter various dates to see details of the clients session history. The system will show the Name of the Session, Date, and Attendance status. By clicking the Make New Booking button you can book the client into an upcoming session. You can also export the Lifetime Sessions report to an Excel File.
6. Milestones/Reports -
Milestones are a great way to celebrate your clients attendance. You can customize and create various milestones for them based on the number of sessions they complete. The Milestone Report makes it easy to keep track of clients who have reached milestones. For more information on how to create custom milestones please click here.