Within the Session Attendance Reports section, we have included a new segment to the Audit Report, the Session Changes.
This additional feature allows you to verify any changes to sessions in the Fit Pro Tracker system. You can generate and download a report in an MS Excel file and choose the specific date range to view all the details of session modifications. The file will be split into individual sheets, each containing information on the following:
a. Edit series
Date and Time of Change
Who performed the action
Which series was changed
Setting Changed (Before and After)
b. Delete a series
Date and Time of Change
Who performed the action
What series was deleted
How many members were impacted by the deletion
c. Edit occurrence
Date and Time of Change
Who performed the action
Which session was changed
Setting Changed (Before and After)
d. Delete an occurrence
Date and Time of Change
Who performed the action
Series Name deleted
How many members were impacted by the deletion
e. Edit a booking policy
Date and time of the change
Who performed the change
What series was changed
Setting Changed (Before and After)
What sessions were impacted
f. Change the booking policy assigned to a session
Date and time of the change
Who performed the change
Series Name
Policy ID (Before and After)
Policy Name (Before and After)
g. Override session capacity
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Date of Impacted Session
What session was Impacted
Name of who was added
How many over-the-session cap
h. Override session rules
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Date of Impacted Session
What session was impacted
Name of who was added
i. Override a credit setting
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Date of Impacted Session
What session was impacted
Name of who was added
j. Cancel a booking
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Name of Client
Session Name
Booking Policy Name
Signify if a late cancellation
Cancelled From
Check-in page
k. Change from a No-show status after the end of a day
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Name of Client
Customer ID
Instance ID
Date of the no-show
l. Edit Lifetime session count
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Previous and Current
Contact Name
m. Created a Booking
Date and time of action
Who performed the action
Client Name
Booked From
Check-in page
Please Note: You must ensure that you have permission to access the Session Changes Report. To learn more about User Permissions, please click here.
Here are the steps on how to generate the Session Changes Report:
Step 1: On the left menu, click the Session Attendance tab.
Step 2: Click the Reports tab.
Step 3: Under the Attendance tab, look for the Audit Report., and then, click the View Report button.
Step 4: Filter your preferred rate range and click the Apply button below.
Step 5: On the right side of Session Changes, click the Generate button.
Step 6: After clicking the button to generate the report, the system will alert you that the report is in progress. Generating the report takes 5-10 minutes. Once available, download the report.
It would be very beneficial for you to take advantage of this feature to easily monitor the various changes made in sessions to easily monitor the pattern of such changes. This will easily guide you in assessing needed follow-ups or other actions to properly address the changes made in your location, either brought about by clients or staff members.
Note: We have added additional information to the Audit Session report as part of the feature's improvement. If you want to know more about this additional information, please click here.