Itemized Invoice
Great news!!! The Fit Pro Tracker team built the Itemized Invoice, which gives gyms the ability to pull a report listing their member’s paid invoices for a specified time range.
Here are the steps you can follow to get the itemized invoice:
Go to Members’ Contact Profile.
Select the Billing tab. Then, choose the Activity Summary.
Click on the Paid tab.
4. Select the date range.
You have the ability to export the file to Excel and PDF format.
A. Excel File. This file has the following details:
Due Date
B. PDF File. This file has the following details:
Member’s Location
Name of the Member
Date Range of the Invoices
Below the page are the contact details of the Staff who generated the report. This includes the Location name, Staff’s email, and contact number.
Important note: The PDF file may help members who have employee/health insurance reimbursement for gym memberships.