There are occasions that you may need to edit a client's subscription installment. The system has the feature to modify one or multiple installments.
Go to the contact profile, select Biiling tab and then select the Subscription tab. Click the Invoices button to view the forecast invoices.
Important Note: The Invoices feature on Billing is no longer in Beta.
How to modify an installment
To modify an installment, you will need to click on the pencil icon next to the invoice you want to change.
Enter the amount you want and click Save Changes button.
Important Tip:
This action only can be executed two or more days before the due date.
You can modify multiple future installments
You will not be able to modify the date of the installment
To undo the changes you've made, click on the Undo button next to the installment.
How to identify if the subscription has a modified installment
The amount displayed in red font on the subscription card is the modified installment amount. When you hover it says: "Next billing amount after the modification"
When you click the Invoices button, you'll see the modified amount in red font as well as the modified installment.
How to identify if the modification process failed
You'll get a warning message on the subscription card saying "This subscription requires your attention, please contact support if needed"
There is also a warning icon next to the installment that has failed. You'll have the option to make necessary changes and clear it by clicking the warning icon.
The warning message will then be removed from the subscription card.
Modified Invoice Report
This report is a new addition to the Billing Reports collection. On the left menu, please select Membership Billing and then click the Reports. Look for the Modified Invoice Report and click the Manage button.
Important Tip:
When viewing the Invoices, the system will display the page based on the current invoices by default, it will not display by page order so you don't need to switch pages to get to the current invoices specially when the subscription started long ago.
If you are in the middle of a modify installment action, you will not be able to do a Modify Amount and Modify Date on the entire subscription.