Import contacts by CSV file

Using a simple csv file to add your contacts with bulk upload.

Antonio Olander avatar
Written by Antonio Olander
Updated over a week ago

Uploading contacts through the CSV file upload is a seamless effort as long as you have a few things set up correctly. This file upload mechanism is forgiving enough to make it easy where you do NOT need the correct number of columns, and the columns do NOT need to be in any particular order.  If you have a csv file with lots of extra fields, no worries, just upload it and Fit Pro Tracker will grab the fields of data it needs. Pretty cool, right, we think so!

Leads Contact Group

a. Using the left menu, locate the section Contact Groups and Click the Import Contacts.

b. You can download the sample csv by Clicking the "Download a sample spreadsheet" link.

c. Next, click on "Start Import"

d. In this screen you can see 2 options. "Upload data from file" or "Manually Enter Your Data"

e. Click on "Update data from file" and select CSV file you wish to upload.

f. Click on "Yes" when the row contains the column names.

g. Map the columns from your CSV to Fit Pro Tracker .

There are a few fields that you can ensure if you have added to your database Labels before uploading your file to make it easier. 

  • Example with the Lead Generator field.  You can match the data in your csv file with the name you have entered into your Locations Label settings prior to uploading your file.

h. Now you have the option to review your data and map the labels to your own CSV file.

j. Submit the information, please make sure to have the correct information in the correct contact group because once you submit the file you can't batch move contacts to another group, you'll have to move them one by one.

And there you have it!! Now you can import contacts in an easy and quick way.

Notes about Format!

What we mean by format is that casing is important as well as spacing. Let's take the field "First Name". The options for Fit Pro Tracker to understand for the first name field is either (First Name, first_name, or fName). As long as one of those formats are entered in your CSV file, then it will capture the data in the CSV file.

Now, how this will NOT work and show up empty is by having your field in the CSV for first name look like this "First name". See the the letter "n" is a lower case. How about "First_name", this will not match due to the "F" being capitalized.

So at any point if the data is in your CSV file and it does not show up in Fit Pro Tracker, then make sure to check the format of the Header fields and match them up accordingly.

The system will preliminary upload that has not been committed to the database. This gives you a chance to look at the data to see if it is importing correctly, and if not, make some corrections in your CSV file and import again.

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