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Past Due Report - Export to Excel Option
Sofia Zúñiga Vega avatar
Written by Sofia Zúñiga Vega
Updated over 2 years ago

Past Due Report Training Video

Checking your past due invoices will help you track your progress and revenue.

You can access your Past Due Report by selecting Membership Billing and Reports from the main menu.

When you click the Invoices, you will see the following details:

> Invoice

> Customer

> Amount

> Balance

> Type

> Membership

> Membership Type

> Due Date

> Note

We recommend that you check the Past Due Report so that when you export to Excel, you get a more complete report.

This is the Past Due Report in FPT.

This is the Exported Excel File of the Past Due Report.

More columns were added and the first seven columns are generally about the invoice and customer information:

  • Invoice ID

  • Customer ID

  • The name is split (First and Last Name)

  • Primary Email

  • Phone

  • Contact Group

  • Membership Type

These are the new set of columns related to the Invoices:

  • Customer Balance: the amount on the customer’s account

  • Due Date: payment that has not been made by the deadline

  • Total Amount: the sum of the amount made to satisfy the invoice

  • Paid Amount: the total amount that is allocated to the invoice

  • Due Amount: the total amount that must be settled

  • Tax: the compulsory financial charge to the government

  • Provider: name of the credit card provider

  • Account Number: credit card number

  • Issue: credit card response

  • Note: note added by staff members

    Important Note:

    The data on Provider, Account Number and Issue column will depend on the last transaction. If the last transaction was successful there is no data on the column but if there was an issue with the last transaction such as credit card being declined the data will reflect on the report.

To monitor your due invoices, export your file to Excel so you can create visual reports of your Past Due Report.

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