6. Billing - Transactions and Refund

View transaction details and

Austin Foley avatar
Written by Austin Foley
Updated over a week ago

Billing Transactions

On your Left menu, go to Billing and select Transaction. You may enter the name of the contact on the search box below where it says Customer or you may also search the contact on the list showing on this page. Click the blue invoice number to get the transaction details.

A Transaction Details window will appear. You will be able to see the amount, transaction ID, invoice type, membership and other important information. You may also change the invoice type and then click the update button to save the changes.

If the transaction is a Credit or an Invoice, you will have the option to Reverse Transaction by clicking the Reverse button.


To refund a client you will need to go to the client's profile and go to Billing tab abd Activity Summary. Click the Add Refund button below the Billing section.

Add Refund window will appear. Enter the amount you would like to refund the client and select the payment method and then click Confirm button. Make sure to leave a note for future reference. The transaction will reflect on the account real time.

Important Reminders:

  • If the client's account has a $0.00 balance, you need to add a credit first with the same amount of the refund, once the credit is reflected you may proceed adding a refund on the account. If you directly add a refund on an account with a $0.00 balance, the refund amount will reflect as a negative balance.

  • If the client's account has a positive balance, you may proceed adding the same amount of refund right away.

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