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Referral Management + Video

Get information from leads in an easy and quick way

Austin Foley avatar
Written by Austin Foley
Updated over a year ago

Easy and quick way to help your staff and clients get more leads for you!!!

Now you can have referral options in which possible clients add their info and everything stays in the system 😎😎😎

Go to your location menu and then click in referral management submenu:


  1. Create a Key Code to link the information page to the gym, staff member or client - 2:20sec

  • You can assign the key code for the gym as many times as you'd like, for the staff or the client you can only link them once.

2. Create your unique Key Token and Save it -2:38sec

3. You can also create the Referral Workflow Plan: 3:55sec

  • Add the name and associate the workflow to a Lead Source.

4. Customize your form view - 4:00sec

  • Form tittle and short message explaining the form.

  • In case you want to add a promo video you can add the video id (At the end of the link).

  • Required fields.

5. Choose the actions after a contact optin - 6:51sec

  • Link a page to send the contact after they Opted in, it can be FB, check out pages, landing pages, external links or Fit Pro Tracker Forms.

  • Customize a SMS or Email to be sent out to the contact.

  • You can add the contact to the campaign, to a tag or you can assign the contact to a Staff Member

6. You can send your staff or clients an email explaning referrals - 12:27sec

  • You can load an example template and edit that or you can create a complete new email explaining the process for the referrals

7. Remember to save the referral:

8. Finally, link the Workflow to the Key Code - 5:54sec.

There you have it, you can gather possible clients information and contact them automatically!!! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

----------Referral Management Summary----------

  1. Create a Key Code to link the information page to the gym, staff member or client - 2:20sec

  2. Create your unique Key Token and Save it -2:38sec

  3. You can also create the Referral Workflow Plan: 3:55sec

  4. Customize your form view - 4:00sec

  5. Choose the actions after a contact optin - 6:51sec

  6. You can send your staff or clients an email explaining referrals - 12:27sec

  7. Finally, link the Workflow to the Key Code - 5:54sec.

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