SMS: Credit Usage Report

Get all your credit usage information

Sofia Zúñiga Vega avatar
Written by Sofia Zúñiga Vega
Updated this week

In case you want to review the number of credits you have spent during a month, you can check the cost by transactions as well as spending reports and you even get a spending report graph with all the information.
The system allows you to export the reports in a PDF or an Excel file so you can save the information on your computer.

To do so, you can go to your Location Menu, then Billing Menu and finally the Reports menu.

Choose the period you want to review, you can also filter them by Type (All messages, SMS 1 to 1 messages, Campaign messages and Batch SMS)

The first report is the Cost by Transaction Type so you can see the quantity of messages as well as the amount of credits spent in each message. 

Second report you'll see is the Spending Graph which is a summary of the previous table and you get the percentages of the messages:   

The last report is the Spending Report which gives you the Sent date as well as the type message and the cost of credits 

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