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Follow Up Tasks

Check the Follow Up Tasks

Sofia Zúñiga Vega avatar
Written by Sofia Zúñiga Vega
Updated over a year ago

If you want to check your clients' follow up tasks individually, you can go to their profile. In there you'll find: Status, Next Action, Task Date, Assigned To, Contact Name, Group, and Completed By. 

To check the follow up activities within your clients you can choose the list you want and click on "Follow Up View", In here you can see the next action, the person the client is assigned to, the lead generator in case they have one, the last contact with the client and the last activity.   

Making a Follow Up Task

1. Follow Up Task

Select the contacts directly in their profiles. Go to your client's profile and select the Actions button. Click on the Notes and toggle on the Follow Up Task. There are several actions you can choose from, either email, call, sly dial, text, et.. You can also select the date and time you want to set it up, as well as the assigned team member.

Once you create the follow up task you can check its status, next action, task date and the team member it is assigned to, contact group and completed by.

2. Batch Contact Follow Up (Multi-Contacts)

You can set up Follow Up Tasks by choosing the clients you want to set them up to. Then, choose the Batch Follow Up option.

Choose the follow up action you want to set up and the action date, you can also select the staff member you want to assign the Follow Up Task.

3. Campaign Follow Up Tasks

When creating a campaign you will have the option to create a follow up task for you or your staff to complete.

You have the option to choose who the Follow UP Action can be assigned to with some flexibility inside the campaign.

Below is the order of the Follow Up Task will be assigned to:

1) If selected user from Drop Down List (DDL) then user will be assigned this follow up task.

2) If no selected user from DDL and contact has assigned staff member, then follow up task will go to the assigned user.

3) If no selected user from DDL and contact has NO assigned staff member, then follow up task will go to the creator of this campaign.

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