Location Settings Address

Use this section to set up basic information about your location such as address and your Time Zone.

Antonio Olander avatar
Written by Antonio Olander
Updated over a week ago

You will want to set up your basic information about your location address and very important with getting your Time Zone set.

To get here, you will click the Left Menu and expand the Location option.  Next click Settings menu, with then clicking the Sub menu Address.  This is where you should end up and we will cover the items in this screen.

Address:  address of your physical location
Address (Other):  additional address information
City: city
State: state
Postal Code: postal code
Location Name:  This is the name of what people generally know your facility as.
Location Email:  This email is used for system notifications, such as when you receive a inbound text message or inbound email.  We set this to a catch-all email address that we can assign team members to that need to be notified.  

  • Example:  we use email address info@fit......... which we have associated our actual work emails to receive from this email address.

Email From Name(Override Location Name): Your database comes with an internal email that you can use to email your clients.  The address will be your Subdomain name [subdomain]@in.fitprotracker.com.  The From Name that is shown to your clients email Inbox will be Location Name by default, however if you enter a name in this field, it will override the default location name.

Phone (Office):  This is a landline phone or other mobile phone that you are using today.

Time Zone:  This field is important to set!!! Make sure to set this one and then Save or Update your address.

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